How to Hype Yourself for Work – Especially When You Don’t Want To Be There

June 16, 2022

You can absolutely love your job and still have days where you would rather smack your head against the wall than go to work. Those days are usually called Mondays, but they can happen anytime. 

When these days happen (and they will happen), you need to find ways to get focused and stay motivated. This is obviously easier said than done, but there are a few tips that can help you get in a better headspace for work.

  1. Caffeine: People don’t talk about the miracle of caffeine often enough. It takes two sips to turn around an entire miserable morning. If you are especially tired and unmotivated, shake up your caffeine ritual. Go to a different coffee shop. Use your favorite mug. And use that burst of energy to start your shift on the right note. 
  2. Make a Plan: Looking at your mile-long to-do list can make you want to curl up in a ball and hide under your desk. But if you make a plan for how you are going to tackle that list, it can make it less overwhelming. Break your day into easier-to-manage tasks to keep yourself from feeling like you’re underwater. 
  3. Take a Quick Break: Breaks don’t need to last long to be refreshing. If you’re stuck in a mid-day rut and you’re able to step away for 2-3 minutes, do it. Take a short walk around the block. Use the restroom. Refill your water bottle. Just give yourself a few minutes to reset. 
  4. Perfect Your Playlist: The right playlist can leave you feeling on top of the world. If you’re dragging yourself to work, you need a playlist that can energize you and get you ready to tackle the day. Similarly, other playlists can help you focus when you just can’t seem to get it together. If you find yourself being distracted by everything going on around you, throw on some classical music – or even white noise – to help you tune out the distractions and focus on what you need to get done. 
  5. Dress for Success: We all have one piece in our wardrobe that makes us feel good. If you can wear those shoes or that jacket without wrecking your office dress code, do it.
  6. Treat Yourself: When we were little, our parents used to trick us into behaving by promising a treat from the checkout aisle if we did as we were told. Being an adult in the workplace is no different. If you’re really dragging, come up with some small reward you’ll grab after work for sticking to your task list. Even if it’s just a vending machine victory, that little extra motivation can make the difference. 
  7. Consider Your Coworkers: If you’re the type of person who struggles with internal motivation, your coworkers may be able to help. After all, they don’t want to be picking up your slack any more than you want to be tasked with doing their job. The odds are that they also could use some motivation. From a small break to talk about weekend plans to getting each other a cup of coffee, these interactions can be the little boost you both need to power through the day. 




It’s not always easy to get motivated. But there are little things you can do to help stay on the right track. Stay caffeinated. Break down your to-do list into a manageable plan. Take a short break. Put on your favorite playlist or outfit. Make a plan to treat yourself. And rely on your coworkers for support. Just do what you need to do to get your day started and the motivation will follow.